20 Questions with Author Allie Larkin

Debut author Allie Larkin joins us today for 20 Questions. Her novel Stay is about friendship, love, and a German Shepherd named Joe.

Kindle or Nook? iPad
iPhone or BlackBerry? iPhone
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Coffee or tea? Coffee!
Ice cream or frozen yogurt? Fro yo!
Flats or heels? Converse count as flats, right?
Facebook or Twitter? Both! I can't choose!
Call or text message? Call
Favorite song right now? These Pages by Chris Pureka
Celebrity crush? I'm not sure I'd call it a crush, but after watching The Riches, I kind of think Eddie Izzard is magic.
Last movie you saw? I just re-watched St. Elmo's Fire.
Favorite television show right now? The Riches.  I've been watching it on Netflix.  It's just beautiful.
Favorite snack food? Popcorn with olive oil and hot sauce.
Your most overused word or phrase?  Seriously.
Your hidden talent? I can hang four spoons on my face at the same time.
Your biggest pet peeve? Anyway should not be plural.
Favorite activity when you’re not writing? Anything active: hiking, biking, backpacking, rock climbing
Favorite authors? Willia Cather, John Steinbeck, Pat Conroy, Claire Cook
Favorite books? Song of the Lark, The Bean Trees, Of Mice and Men, The Lords of Discipline, Bridget Jones, Seven Year Switch, Pippi Longstocking
Comment heard most often from your readers? That they stayed up too late reading STAY because they needed to know what happened.  It always makes me smile.

About Allie Larkin 
Allie Larkin lives in Rochester, New York, with her husband, Jeremy, their two German Shepherds, Argo and Stella, and a three-legged cat. She is the co-founder of TheGreenists.com, a site dedicated to helping readers take simple steps toward going green. Stay is her first novel. For more about Allie and her work, please visit her website, her blog, her Facebook page, and follow her on Twitter.  

About Stay
Savannah “Van” Leone has loved Peter since the day they met. The problem is, Peter has loved Van’s best friend, Janie, since the moment they met. And now they’re walking down the aisle, with Van standing nearby in a Halloween orange bridesmaid dress, her smile as hollow as a jack-o-lantern. After the wedding, Van drowns her sorrows in Kool Aid-vodka cocktails and reruns of Rin-Tin-Tin, and does what any woman in her situation would do: She buys a German Shepherd over the Internet. The pocket-sized puppy Van is expecting turns out to be a clumsy, hundred-pound beast that only responds to Slovakian. Van is at the end of her rope—until she realizes that this quirky giant may be the only living being who will always be loyal to her, no matter what. And thus begins a friendship that will alter Van’s life in ways she never imagined. Joe leads Van to Dr. Alex Brandt, a rugged vet with floppy blond hair and winning smile. But just as things are starting to heat up, the newlyweds return from their honeymoon, forcing Van to decide just how much she’s willing to sacrifice in order to have everything she ever wanted.

Book Trailer

Check out Megan's review of Stay posted earlier this week. 
Can you relate to Allie's answers? Have you read Stay? Leave a comment to let us know. Thanks! And stay tuned for more of 20 Questions!

20 Questions with Author Adele Parks

Bestselling author Adele Parks joins us today for 20 Questions. Adele's new book Men I've Loved Before was published yesterday in paperback in the UK from Headline Review, a division of Hachette UK.

Kindle or Nook? Book - every time!
iPhone or BlackBerry? iphone, although I currently own a Blackberry, I long for an iPhone and as soon as my contract is up with my Blackberry, iPhone will be the way for me. My husband has an iPhone and I love it. I know everyone says it but really, they are just intuitive. 
Coke or Pepsi? Diet coke
Coffee or tea? Tea. White, no sugar.
Ice cream or frozen yogurt? Frozen yogurt but this is mostly a US thing, isn't it? I love visiting Pink Berry when I'm in the States!
Flats or heels? Flats in real life, heels in my imaginary life!
Facebook or Twitter? Both
Call or text message? Call if possible.
Favorite song right now? 'Make You Feel My Love' by Adele (the other one, obviously). It's beautiful. She's so talented, soulful and frank. Love it. I'm a big softy and am weak for love songs.
Celebrity crush? Jake Gyllenhaal. Yes, yes please!
Last movie you saw? My son and I watched 'The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.' It is a 2006 Japanese animated science fiction/romance film. The film focuses on a high school girl who inadvertently gains the power to travel through time and begins using it frivolously to fix problems. It was directed by Mamoru Hosoda. It's joyful.
Favorite television show right now? I'm hooked on 'My Lion Family' showing on National Geographic Channel (I know I sound really square) but this show is about a guy who is basically the lion whisperer. His life's work is preserving the endangered white lion but he lives amongst them, almost like he's part of the pride. Mind blowing. It's stunning.
Favorite snack food? I don't snack really. I'm an all or nothing sort of girl.
Your most overused word or phrase? "Net, net". It means 'at the end of the day.' My old boss used to say it all the time. Like her, I'm a woman who likes conclusions and action points.
Your hidden talent? I'm good with babies. I can always soothe them.
Your biggest pet peeve? Bad manners.
Favorite activity when you’re not writing? Talking (is that even an activity??) with my family.
Favorite authors? Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh, Muriel Spark
Favorite books? Too many to pick…currently in love with The Betrayal (Helen Dunmore), Hand That First Held Mine (Maggie O'Farrell), My Last Duchess (Daisy Goodwin)
Comment heard most often from your readers? My readers often wonder where I get my ideas from.

About Adele Parks
Adele was born in Teesside, NE England. Since graduating from Leicester University, where she studied English Language and Literature, she has worked in advertising and as a management consultant. In 2010, Adele was awarded an honorary doctorate of Letters from Teesside University. She always dreamed of being a writer and her first novel, Playing Away, was published in 2000. That same year the Evening Standard identified her as one of London's 'Twenty Faces to Watch.' Adele is often described as one of the most-loved and biggest-selling women's fiction writers in the UK. One and a half million copies of her work has been sold in the UK and her books have been translated into 25 different languages. She has published nine novels in nine years, all of which have been Times Top Ten bestsellers. Men I've Loved Before is her tenth novel. Adele is known for her trademark, up-front, tell-it-as-it-is style of writing. For more information, please visit http://adeleparks.com, http://twitter.com/adeleparks, and http://www.facebook.com/OfficialAdeleParks

About Men I've Loved Before
Neil and Nat seem to be perfectly matched. They hate marmite and the opera. They love reality TV and the missionary position. And they both absolutely do not want children. At least that’s what Nat thought. But now Neil seems to have softened to the prospect of dirty nappies and sleepless nights, and he’s practically begging her for a baby. Nat tries to ignore his change of heart and won’t explain her reasons for hating the idea, she can’t, she's hiding a terrible secret and very great fear. Are they that compatible after all? As the cracks start to show, Nat wonders if Neil really is the man of her dreams. Or is it possible that someone from her past could actually be “the one”? Nat’s little black book, filled with the names and addresses of previous lovers, could hold the answers she’s looking for. Or it could be a one-way ticket to all kinds of trouble. How do you know when you’ve met the one you’re meant to be with? And is a match made in heaven a realistic dream for mere mortals?
To read a sample chapter, click here

Can you relate to Adele's answers? Have you read any of her books? Leave a comment to let us know. Thanks! And stay tuned for more of 20 Questions!

20 Questions with Author Marisa Mackle

Bestselling author Marisa Mackle joins us today for 20 Questions. Marisa's new book Along Came A Stork is the diary of a single mother and will be published in the UK on April 1st from Poolbeg Press.

Kindle or Nook? KINDLE
iPhone or BlackBerry? BLACKBERRY
Coke or Pepsi? COKE
Coffee or tea? COFFEE
Ice cream or frozen yogurt? ICE CREAM
Flats or heels? HEELS
Facebook or Twitter? FACEBOOK
Call or text message? CALL
Favorite song right now?  JUST THE WAY YOU ARE - BRUNO MARS
Celebrity crush? PAUL RUDD
Last movie you saw? THE FUGITIVE
Favorite snack food? CADBURY'S CHOCOLATE
Favorite television show right now? COME DINE WITH ME
Your most overused word or phrase? THAT'S TERRIBLE!
Your hidden talent? DIY
Your biggest pet peeve? NOISE
Favorite activity when you’re not writing? READING
Comment heard most often from your readers? YOU MADE ME LAUGH!
Marisa Mackle was born in Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland and now lives in Dublin with her baby son and two cats. She has a BA in English from University College Dublin and now writes a column with the Evening Herald. She has written twelve books including Mr. Right for the Night, which was a number one Irish bestseller. Some of Marisa's other books include Confessions of an Air Hostess, Mile High Guy, and Living Next Door to Alice. Her books have been translated into many languages including Russian, French and Japanese. 

Every young girl dreams of meeting Prince Charming, but what if the prince turns into the frog instead of the other way around? Diana Kay is thirty years old, single and pregnant. A glamorous socialite, she has just landed her dream job on TV as a dating guru. But how can she advise women on their struggling love lives when she's hiding her own pregnancy? And why has the baby's father, who swore he'd love her forever, decided instead to vanish off the face of the earth? Terrified of losing her television job, Diana watches her bump grow bigger by the day. How long can she keep pretending she's developed a sudden fondness for jam doughnuts? When it all becomes too much, she flees to the West of Ireland in search of peace and privacy. Instead, she stumbles upon a dark family secret. Diana soon forgets her own personal turmoil as she delves into the past. But is it really a good idea to resurrect a shocking scandal that has been so firmly swept under the family rug?

Can you relate to Marisa's answers? Have you read any of her books? Leave a comment to let us know. Thanks! And stay tuned for more of 20 Questions!

20 Questions with Author Cavanaugh Lee

Have you ever wanted to ask your favorite authors 20 questions to get to know them better? We came up with a fun way to do just that! 

Today, author Cavanaugh Lee joins us to kick off our newest feature, 20 Questions. We couldn't be more excited! Thanks, Cavanaugh!

Kindle or Nook?  Can you believe that I have neither? I wrote my first novel, SAVE AS DRAFT, entirely in emails, texts, tweets, Facebook status updates, and on-line dating profiles, and I don’t have a Kindle or a Nook which is arguably the best literary venue to read SAD.  It’s almost sacrilege.  I just love the hard cover format that I’m not ready to venture into the electronic one… yet…
iPhone or BlackBerry?  Blackberry, but the moment I have enough money saved I am SO buying an iPhone because I think it’s the coolest thing since… sparkly lip gloss and such things.

Coke or Pepsi?  Can I pick 7-Up?  I’m a fan of fizzy see-through drinks.

Coffee or tea?  I gave up coffee after vacationing in China this past December.  Everyone there drinks hot tea.  Now I’m a 95% tea consumer (and 5% coffee drinker).

Ice cream or frozen yogurt?  One of my best assets is that I don’t have a sweet tooth.  I do, however, love salt which cancels out my lack of a sweet tooth.

Flats or heels?  Heels.  Stiletto, if possible.  I’m 5’4” and strive to be 5’7” so heels makes that possible (flats do not).

Facebook or Twitter?  BOTH, of course!  You can find me on Facebook under “Save as Draft” and on Twitter under “cavanaughlee”!

Call or text message?  Duh, haven’t you heard of SAVE AS DRAFT?  Obvi text message, however the whole theme of my novel is that we should text less and call (or meet in person) more often so… I’m trying to pick up the phone to connect a little more these days!  

Favorite song right now?  “Forget You” by Cee-Lo   

Celebrity crush?  Kiefer Sutherland (well actually Jack Bauer who is played by Kiefer Sutherland)

Last movie you saw?  “The Adjustment Bureau.”  I’m a sucker for a good romance that revolves around fate.

Favorite television show right now?  I don’t watch TV shows, because that’s my writing time.

Favorite snack food?  Cheese.
Your most overused word or phrase?  “Done and done.”

Your hidden talent?  Massively failing in the romance department.  Oh wait, that’s not actually a hidden talent anymore since I wrote a book about it!

Your biggest pet peeve?  Flakiness.

Favorite activity when you’re not writing?  If I’m not working my day job as a federal prosecutor, then I’m writing.  If I’m not writing, then I’m working my day job.  I’m thinking of taking a cooking class though… and I do love to enjoy a couple glasses of red wine with my girlfriends on a Friday or Saturday night. 

Favorite authors?  Harper Lee and William Shakespeare 

Favorite books?  Hands-down, TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.

Comment heard most often from your readers?   “That is the most awesome cover ever!” and “What an ending! Not what I was expecting!”
After graduating top of her high school class in San Francisco, Cavanaugh Lee decided to “go for it” and moved to Los Angeles to become an actress.  After graduating from UCLA School of Theatre, she worked steadily as a “wactress” (waitress/actress) for four years, writing and producing an autobiographical play called ROCKSTARNERD and authoring a screenplay. True love (or so she thought) then led her to the deep south of Mississippi, but when that relationship crashed and burned, she changed course and soon found herself graduating from UNC Law School. Now, by day, she works as a federal prosecutor where she puts the bad guys behind bars. She writes, of course, by night. After recently toying in the world of cyber-dating, finding true love, becoming engaged, and then becoming unengaged (yes, he’s got the ring, she’s got the dress), she decided to parlay her modern romance experiences into a hilarious, heart wrenching novel that all young women will relate to and enjoy.  Oh, and by the way, this girl’s still very single, so count on a sequel!

Learn more about Cavanaugh here, follow her on Twitter, and "like" her on Facebook.

Lee, a federal prosecutor by day, makes a foray into chick lit with this autobiographical novel told entirely through e-mail, text, and Web exchanges. Early chapters, during which bubbly protagonist Izabell "Izzy" Chin connects with an eHarmony hopeful named Martin, give way to a winning mix of humor and pathos. After a successful first date, Izzy dumps Martin for her best friend Peter; the two fall hard and get engaged, but the whirlwind coincides with Peter getting a demanding new job. E-mail, Facebook, or text missives show the spark fading as Peter gives in to his workaholic boss's demands and Izzy drifts back to Martin. Lee's inherently intimate format succeeds most when a character's thoughts are revealed in unsent e-mails ("save as draft"), revealing the outcomes that could have been had more fearless actions been taken and how matters are misinterpreted and misunderstood. Lee further complicates things with comic exchanges between friends addressing online dating and the true nature of marriage with decidedly mixed results. 
Can you relate to Cavanaugh's answers? Have you read Save As Draft? If not, do you want to? Leave a comment to let us know. Thanks! And stay tuned for more of 20 Questions!