Book Review: The Opposite of Love

Nancy's Review of The Opposite of Love by Julie Buxbaum
Emily Haxby is lost. She decides to end her two-year relationship with her boyfriend Andrew when she thinks he is going to propose. She hates her mind numbing job as an attorney. She has a rocky relationship with her father. And she still harbors grief and guilt over the loss of her mother when she was fourteen. Emily dives into her work to try to ignore her sadness, but it only gets worse. To top it all off, her "favorite person in the world" Grandpa Jack is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Emily can't handle much more. She is still in love with Andrew but he wants to move on. After she finally quits her job, she succumbs to depression and does not leave her couch for days. Her best friend Jessica comes to her rescue and Emily starts seeing a therapist. The Opposite of Love is the story of one woman's journey to overcome loss, confront her inner demons, and learn how to love so that she can truly begin to live.  
Buxbaum's debut shows tremendous potential for a successful writing career. She has the ability to draw readers in with compelling characters and raw emotion. Many people will be able to relate to Emily's insecurities. The portrayal of the corporate world is accurate and can apply to many industries. The favoritism and scandal that goes on behind closed doors can happen at any company, making Emily's experiences and decisions even more understandable. Buxbaum writes with such detail, wit, and intensity. The scene in which Emily finds out that Grandpa Jack has wandered away from the retirement home is written with such a sense of urgency that the reader can feel Emily's anxiety as she desperately searches for him. Buxbaum is a writing talent not to be ignored.  
The Opposite of Love is a novel representing the darker, deeper side of chick lit. Readers will not enjoy this book if they are only looking for the fun, fashion-centric chick lit. Readers will enjoy this book if they are looking for an in depth portrayal of a woman's transformation from completely lost and grief stricken to better understanding herself and her relationships.
Buxbaum is also the author of After You. To learn more about her and her books, you can visit You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
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